![013-miquel-vilar 013-miquel-vilar](http://bloc.salarusinyol.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/013-miquel-vilar-150x150.jpg)
Whoever has been at least once in the Bianya Valley (Gerona) already knows Miquel Vilar; whoever can look at Miquel Vilar (and/or at his work
“Inside a dream”) is already “looking at” at the Bianya Valley (his place of origin), with all its privileges: beauty, soft tonalities, wide open horizons, along with the simplicity and serenity of the rural world. The painter has told us that «art is the soul’s reflection». It is worth our knowing the “maker” of this “art”…
![02-miquel-vilar 02-miquel-vilar](http://bloc.salarusinyol.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/02-miquel-vilar-150x150.jpg)
«As a person,
Miquel Vilar looks just the same as the art he offers us. He does not want to make any noise and he speaks softly but firmly (…). He is well aware that these are times of turbulence and concern, but he wants to offer us other models that may help us to overcome the crisis of values» (from Josep Mª Cadena’s writings).
![03-miquel-vilar 03-miquel-vilar](http://bloc.salarusinyol.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/03-miquel-vilar-150x150.jpg)
Miquel Vilar is introduced by
Ignasi Cabanas. He is a young painter, actually very young looking, but a veteran too who, for the second time, brings his art to the Rusiñol Gallery. Between exhibition and exhibition and without breaking away from his style (we could say it is congenital), he has been experimenting with several topics and hues. «In this collection we can notice a very interesting variety».
![04-miquel-vilar 04-miquel-vilar](http://bloc.salarusinyol.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/04-miquel-vilar-150x150.jpg)
When coming to the Rusiñol Gallery,
Josep Mª Cadena admits his personal impression of having changed from the street bustle to the serenity both art and contemplation provide us with. This is just Miquel Vilar’s actual life: «The painter comes from a land of convulsion and eruptions, a land of volcanoes. But his paintings -with its soft and brownish tonalities- prove that man can also “walk” on this very land. Olot has been dressed up with the yellow and toast colors of an orography that once was lava».
According to Josep Mª Cadena, «Miquel Vilar affirms to be an autodidact: he has not gone to any school. But he has graduated as a Master in life. He is a man who recognizes -and takes good notice of- beauty: he presents it to us in a way that leads us to inner peace. There happens things in the world that can be encapsulated in blue skies, gently sloping mountains, far away little towns, great expanses of seawater, waves, gently reaching the beach…».
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A recommendation by
Josep Mª Cadena: «I would like you to look at Miquel Vilar’s paintings with a quiet sense of depth. If you so wish, you may integrate with them and feel sheltered by them without feeling that sun that stings or the wind that blows. They are useful to tell us how we are, but, especially, they are valuable to make us feel we are in transit on a journey towards new and better situations».
Ignasi Cabanas was right when he introduced Miquel Vilar as «a successful, while at the same time, simple and humble man». He hardly dared say a few and shy words of sincere gratefulness. Fortunately, there came the time for the audience to ask questions: – «It is a nice painting one does not get tired of looking at. Is it a reflection of your character?». He answered: «Painting is always a reflection of the character».
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– «Has your style always been like this? ». MV: «I started with figurative painting and experimented with contemporary art too. But in the last 10 years I have been experimenting with landscaping». – «Are there more mountains in Olot? ». MV: «I like the open themes: the Empordà, the Pla de l’Estany (…). This is what I feel like; it is the atmosphere I have lived with».
«An inauguration in the Rusiñol Gallery always ends with an art note signed by the author (whose work is being exhibited). This art note is drawn among those who are attending the event. Marta was chosen among the public to do the draw. The fortunate winner was her friend Elena».
![10-miquel-vilar 10-miquel-vilar](http://bloc.salarusinyol.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/10-miquel-vilar-150x150.jpg)