
“The next”: Josep Mª Forcada (5-24.XI.2010)

Next friday November 5th (at 19:30 h.), Josep Mª Forcada will inaugurate in the Rusiñol Gallery his exhibition under the title “Mediterranean Impression”. Forcada...

Inauguration of Juan Luis Jardí (April 9th 2010)

“Next stop: Willougbi”. Such is the title of Juan Luis Jardí‘s just inaugurated exhibition at the Rusiñol Gallery. Mystery and disquiet, even “provocation, are...

Inauguration of Manel Doblas (January 8th 2010)

It can be said that the Rusiñol Gallery started 2010 with Manel Doblas‘ exhibition “Contemporary Realisms”. Contemporary Realism indeed, but -we should say- reminiscing...