Inauguration of Jordi Isern (2nd October 2015)
Mr. Ignasi Cabanas is presenting the artist Jordi Isern: he is exhibiting individually at the Rusiñol Gallery for the fourth time. Cabanas highlights the topics which identify this painter. Among them, the protagonist is Nature. Cabanas also remarks on the high quality of this exhibition.
According to Mr. Josep M. Cadena, «every painter is a world in himself, as a result of some experiences and his own sensitivity». He continues: «The landscape is a manifestation of the spirit and, for this reason, I think that the title of this exhibition —“Colors of emotions”— is appropriate. The artist must have a view of the lived places and, from there, he is able to portray the moment in a much more captivating manner».
We live in times where intermediate seasons seem to disappear. But Jordi Isern draws the four seasons in quite a differentiated way. His works are made with a desire of permanence. And at the same time he represents the feelings that our mind desires; that is, the feelings that we have collected through the years… and the other feelings which are yet to come.