We have opened “The sea and me” by Fco. Navarro

On Thursday, June 6th, a good number of friends, customers and followers in general accompanied us to inaugurate the first individual exhibition in the Sala Rusiñol of the artist Fco. Navarro.

An artist with a long history of exhibitions, both in our country and outside our borders, he has presented for the first time in Sant Cugat his personal work in which he elegantly addresses seascapes, integrated into well-conceived compositions.

Ignasi Cabanas, director of the Sala Rusiñol, began the speeches and then gave the floor to Pedro Pablo Atoche, plastic artist and collaborator and presenter of the program “Viajeros en el arte” on R.C.E. (Catalan Radio of Culture and Sports), great connoisseur of the work of Fco. Navarro.

Later it was the turn of the artist himself, who addressed a few words to the attendees.

Here we leave you the entire presentation.

With this exhibition we conclude the 2023-2024 exhibition season. In September we will return to start the new course and what will be the 2024-2025 season. Good summer!

But first we leave you some moments of the afternoon.

Here you can see the entire exhibition.

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