Openin “A life between two oceans” by Koyama

Coinciding with the dates close to Christmas, we have inaugurated a special exhibition with the most recent works of the Japanese artist based in Catalonia, SHIGEYOSHI KOYAMA.

Pero But we have not only presented his most current work but we have also done so with the book “Koyama. A life between two oceans” and we have been lucky enough to have the presence of its author, MIQUEL MANZANO, who, first-hand, He has explained many aspects of the volume to us.

For his part, the artist also wanted to address a few words to the attendees and wanted to do so in his language, Japanese. His daughter, Yasuko Tojo, has been in charge of translating for us everything that her father had prepared with so much emotion for an occasion like this.

The Japanese community also wanted to be present at the inauguration and that is why we were very grateful for Mrs. Aiko, art teacher at the Japanese School of Barcelona, ​​​​located in Sant Cugat.

The opening was attended by a large audience who were able to have a copy of the book dedicated by the artist himself.

Here we leave you some images and a video that summarizes the afternoon::

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